At Tipper Valley Farm we are a small farm that does a little bit of everything from raising our goats to growing and selling cut and specialty flowers. On our website, aside from selling our all-natural goat milk products made with our own free-range milk and flowers, we blog about life on the farm and share with you tips and tricks to use on your own farm. We make small batch maple syrup from only 5 trees and grow a small garden and forage blackberries and other wilds. We want to show you that you do not have to have a lot of land or resources to be able to farm and be more self-reliant. By joining our email list and joining our Facebook page we can keep you updated on what all is going on.
Depending on what categories you sign up to you may receive an email once a week on flower availability or once a month to every few months with discount codes and links to how-to tutorials on our blog. We will only share with you important updates and will not fill up your feed with useless spam emails. Our Facebook page is our main way of quick communication about day-to-day life on the farm and our pop-up setups. Here, you can expect to see pictures of our goats and photos of flowers as they grow and are harvested along with other things like goat milk availability and general information. We will also share all our sale posts and updates on our Facebook page. To stay updated be sure to like and follow our page and check-in from time to time. If you ever have any questions you would like answered be sure to ask them and you just might see it in a blog post soon. I work closely with a lot of new goat owners and will use my blog to post informational material and to share my experiences and tricks learned through the years I have raised dairy goats.

Appalachia Proud: Mountains of Potential celebrates the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of the region while at the same time honoring its traditions. The logo enables consumers all over the world to immediately identify a quality product from Eastern Kentucky, whether it is a jar of jelly, a cut of beef, or a basket of apples.
Appalachia Proud is a trademarked brand in the Kentucky Proud family and cannot be copied or used without the express written consent of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA). For more information on the program and its guidelines, call the KDA's Office of Agricultural Marketing and Product Promotion at (502) 573-0282 or email
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